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Hey all!

Fri May 12, 2023 10:58 am

Just wanted to say hello as it's been a hot minute. I was in the ER on Tuesday for my blood clot. I was having pain in my neck again. They diagnosed me with a chronic deep vein thrombosis in my jugular vein. My blood clot while better is still there. It's been a month and they are concerned but hopeful my body will dissolve it on its own. They said I also probably have arthritis in my neck. Eyeroll.

I was able to get enough diapers for this month and it looks like my insurance is fixed so I can start having them pay for a good portion of my diapers!

My mobility is still shot so I spend my time in bed. Although my aide took me out yesterday to get coffee and some lunch at whole foods.

I hope everyone is well

Re: Hey all!

Fri May 12, 2023 3:43 pm

Welcome back. I was glad to read that your insurance is helping out, and that your aide is taking you out occasionally. Here's a hope that your DVT will resolve itself without further distress.

Re: Hey all!

Sat May 13, 2023 7:13 am

Glad to see you back, Justj. It's good your insurance is helping out.

(double incontinent)

Re: Hey all!

Wed May 17, 2023 10:42 am

Thanks John and Patrick. This place is a lifesaver. It saved me when I first had my accident. Things have been rough but I'm grateful to have a roof over my head, food in my fridge, diapers in my closet, an aide , a relationship, friends and so much. And even though my diaper leaked last night I'm grateful I woke up this morning.

Re: Hey all!

Wed May 17, 2023 1:35 pm

Hey there Elijah!

Yes, sometimes diapers leak and it happens despite our best efforts for product selection etc. I really like your attitude. I suggest trying a pair of protective briefs over the diaper. They are called PROTEC and I bought them for myself. and they work rather well. In their conversations with me, they told me that they work well with cloth diapers. However, on testing as a standalone diaper cover with my fitted, I could detect leaks. That is because they are not designed with leg gathers in a traditional sense. The product instead relies on absorbent materail to trap leaks. I would say to not use it as a cloth diaper cover, but I have had good results using it as secondary insurance over disposablees. I tested it laying on my side with Attends with booster pads, laying on my side, and I had a flood and it did NOT leak. That is impressive since normally side laying is the most leak prone positon since gravity forces the urine to pool in areas where there is no padding. Here's the link :

I am glad to read that your blood clot is better . Take things one day at a time. Really glad to read that your diaper cost is being covered by insurance. Just awesome.

As for me, things could not be better. Just happened to bump into a good longtime friend of mine and his wife. I invited them over to my house the next day and we ended up spending the entire day together when they invited me to go with them. I have had hiccups in terms of tracking info when ordering a case of disposables from LL Medico. I am still working on finding the perfect work solution that reduces cost.

I wish you all the best.

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