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What are some of the worst companies that you have used?

Tue Nov 01, 2016 12:56 am

What are some of the worst companies that you have done business with?
How was their customer service?

I can not think of one right now, its 1 am and im really tired.
I get most of my diapers from the VA anyway, even if they are a low quality one. :)


Re: What are some of the worst companies that you have used?

Tue Nov 01, 2016 3:24 pm

I'd have to say Abena, although its not so much about their customer service. Their customer service, when I asked after their retailers, was quick to answer, but it's hard to find info on their website, and it is partly untranslated from Danish. Not a problem, as I can understand written Danish, but it is very unprofessional to have untranslated pieces of information and menus, and does not give a good image, even though their products have been quite all right. They also offer no free samples, at least not here, which makes choosing the right one difficult, and some of their retailers only sell to large customers, like hospitals and care-homes. I guess that's partly Abena's profile and strategy.

However, they ought to make their communications somewhat better. :D Should I apply for a job there? :D

Re: What are some of the worst companies that you have used?

Tue Nov 01, 2016 8:04 pm

I can think of one. Depends.

They absolutely do not care about their customers. Make a complaint about them cutting back on the construction of their plastic diapers in the 90's, a complaint when they start cutting back on them again in the 00's, or when they stop selling them outright in the 10's. It doesn't matter and they reply they will give has always been the same. Its that wasn't what their customers wanted. Uh no. I am a customer and I am saying what I want. Still that doesn't matter to them and all you will get out of it is a coupon for their new and "improved" crap.

Re: What are some of the worst companies that you have used?

Fri Aug 12, 2022 12:25 am

I think it was babykins, but not 100% sure. I order some plastic pants years ago and put it on my credit card. When I got my statement it shows it went thru PayPal. Since I don't have a PayPal account, I questioned it. The company threatened to expose my name that I was a bedwetter and blackball me from other companies.

Re: What are some of the worst companies that you have used?

Thu Sep 01, 2022 1:26 pm

That's a pretty "interesting" story. I have ordered cover pants many times from Kins (aka Babykins) and have had no issues, much less been threatened. They delivery quality products quickly. As a business it does not make any sense to threaten a customer. And how could they "blackball" you from any other company? Something doesn't smell right here.
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