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Summer ??????

Sun May 03, 2009 11:37 pm

Does anyone have any special plans for the summer?

Mon May 04, 2009 12:13 am

Sorry to say but nope none here. Going to be another summer of working long hours :roll: But having Jane here with me will make it a Great summer as well :D ...........................Sandy :)

Mon May 04, 2009 7:31 pm

The next time a dictionary is printed, the definition for boring will be my name. :-) I haven't taken a vacation for myself in over 13 years. There are so many things I would love to do but a few things always stop me. Such as, lack of money, lack of motivation, health, and now diapers/catheter has a small part of the reason I don't take vacations.

If I had enough extra cash and a little motivation, I wouldn't let the fact that I have to wear diapers stop me from going on vacation, it would only narrow down what I want to do but not by much.

Mon May 04, 2009 11:04 pm

Just work work work. I have a week's paid vacation this year but I never have the money to go anywhere... so I usually spend the days sitting at home or catching up on yard work.

We used to have family out on the coast... but since they moved inland we lost our free place to stay, which puts vacationing out of our budget again. My fiancee desperately wants to get out of town for even a weekend... but that's a couple hundred dollars I just don't have.

Tue May 05, 2009 9:23 am

You might want to consider going camping for a few days. If you already have a tent, and sleeping bags the cost of camping is really pretty cheap. :)


Tue May 05, 2009 6:02 pm

This summer I will be working as much as possible. I recently took a couple days off for a camping trip and will so again come the end of September but summer is my busy time so I must make hay while the sun shines.

Tue May 05, 2009 10:08 pm

Me, im gonna have a blast doing my social work practicum.. im working with autistic kids at least some of the time.. respite care, skill building all sorts of stuff

Fri May 08, 2009 1:15 am

I had an eighteen year career in the plastics industry. In that time I worked all of the time. a sixteen hour day wasn't unusual, it was the norm. If I wasn't working, I was on call, taking calls or scheduling for the next day. When I did get home I was exhausted and just wanted to unwind or collapse.

Vacation time? Sure I got eight weeks a year. Most of the time I sent my wife and children on vacation while I stayed at the all important job. My kids were growing up without me and I missed their toddler years when they were becoming little people.

The job I poured my life into and spent all those days and nights, and weekends and yes, vacations and soled my soul to, ended in 1995. If I can give any advise to anyone it is to say,"Take the vacations!" Go off to anywhere even for a weekend for a change of scenery. Get off of Mr. Toads Wild Ride and stop the stress for a sliver of time and enjoy what matters most.

Opting out of vacation is stupid. Go somewhere, anywhere but get away from the daily routine and get a change of pace. I head up to Northern Wisconsin twice a month on weekends. I leave on a Friday afternoon and I am back late evening on Sunday. What appears to others as a lot of driving for a day and a half just isn't worth it to them. Well all I can say is They just don't get it. Not going because it's too far, I'm too tired, I have too much to do, or I wear diapers is just lame. Now go get packed!

Fri May 08, 2009 9:17 am

JRB you are so right
You don't need to drive all that far to get away :!: We sometimes take our camper 15-20 miles away to a camp ground for a weekend and you feel like your a 1000 miles away :D ...........................Sandy :)

Mon May 11, 2009 10:22 am

I won't take any vacation time until after Labot Day but I will try to go camping a couple weekends over the summer. I just throw my tent & things in my boat and camp on one of the hundreds of islands out on the Mississippi.
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