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Selling unused cloth items.. EVERYTHING MUST GO!

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2023 8:04 pm
by sociologygeek

I am selling my lot of unused cloth items. No price will be unconsidered, as long as it covers shipping. Private message me if interested. I have been given a 2 week deadline by my paretns to sell them, otherwise they will give them away and I get nothing. I have 12 ACD Purity gauze flats 4- layer size large, 10 ACD Leak master contour size XL, 3 ACD AIO, 8 I have 3 In Cntrol Rompers taht are good diaper cover for the contours and flats. I also have one InControl fitted with snaps. size Large. I have several snappis to secure the traditional cloth diapers. I am NOT selling any inserts. Diaper conditon ranges from fair to Good. More pictures and details are available upon request. Please find below the pictures Mom took for me, denying that I need more pictures. PLease forgive the lack of photo documentation, sometimes parents can interfere with stuff.

PLEASE NOTE: Leakmaste conturs DO NOT include the 10 layer pad. I am keeping those to use as stuffers for my current pocket diapers.

Some of the pics are upside down, sorry for that, I did not take them.

Ecoable pullup and shells are spoken for. Rest is still up for grabs.