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Tena proskin supers

Tue Jan 17, 2023 8:24 pm

So these are covered by Medicaid and I tried them out. They actually aren't bad! They will definitely work for home use. I will only have to get a couple bags of premium diapers for when I go out (I don't go out often. Still recovering from my knee surgery) but this will save lots of money a month.

Re: Tena proskin supers

Tue Jan 17, 2023 10:34 pm

Tena has decent quality for the price. They also have tons of different selections. I found that I like the Tena Complete+ Care ones. It's a really thin, cheap diaper. (About $.60 a piece or less). But they have really high leak guards that I need, and with a cheap booster they can work for a while at home, or in between a shower and bed.

Re: Tena proskin supers

Wed Jan 18, 2023 9:12 am

justej wrote:So these are covered by Medicaid and I tried them out. They actually aren't bad! They will definitely work for home use. I will only have to get a couple bags of premium diapers for when I go out (I don't go out often. Still recovering from my knee surgery) but this will save lots of money a month.

I use these for my overnight protection. All things considered these have the lowest cost, suitable protection and acceptable comfort. I get mine through Walmart Canada, which seems to have the best price, especially when considering free shipping.

Have a fast recovery for your knee surgery.

Re: Tena proskin supers

Tue Jan 24, 2023 10:47 pm

Thanks Wayne. Recovery is slow and painful. I did my outpatient pt intake today. Apparently Ive been walking wrong and gotta relearn it. Putting too much pressure on my surgery leg and not relying on my prosthesis. That's why I'm in so much pain. It's a much slower and longer recovery being an amputee.

Re: Tena proskin supers

Wed Jan 25, 2023 10:40 am

justej wrote:Putting too much pressure on my surgery leg and not relying on my prosthesis. That's why I'm in so much pain. It's a much slower and longer recovery being an amputee.

It's difficult to fully appreciate the challenges of that. Take it one day at a time.

Re: Tena proskin supers

Wed Jan 25, 2023 9:30 pm

I tried them from Shoppers Drug Mart in Canada when they were on sale. I have also used Tena ultimate for overnight and Shoppers Drug Mart Life brand pull ups for women for daytime errands, transit, in a car, shopping, etc. which I was able to get from the Independent Grocer on sale. I am switching to decaf coffee to see if it helps. I am diabetic and my IOP eye pressure was elevated.

Re: Tena proskin supers

Thu Jan 26, 2023 9:48 am

Menopause Lady wrote:I am diabetic and my IOP eye pressure was elevated.

I am diabetic too but am getting needles in the eyes to help reduce the swelling of the retina. They're always checking my pressure, but as far as I know that part is ok.

Re: Tena proskin supers

Thu Jan 26, 2023 11:33 am

I have read about the needles in the eyes for diabetic retinopathy. Sounds much worse than anything I have endured. I hope they knock you out when they do that to you.

Re: Tena proskin supers

Thu Jan 26, 2023 2:47 pm

Patrick wrote:I have read about the needles in the eyes for diabetic retinopathy. Sounds much worse than anything I have endured. I hope they knock you out when they do that to you.

No they don't knock your out :shock: You get some eye numbing drops etc. Then you hold hands with a nurse and told to look at your thumb in the air while the dr. pushes the needle into the corner of your eye, squirts some red fluid in and then pulls it out. The event is brief but a little unpleasant. Sometimes you see an amoeba floating around for a while. It sounds worse than it is.

I'd rather do that than get my cornea sliced open for a cataract lens replacement. I have this recurring fear that a fire alarm would go off in the middle of that operation.

Re: Tena proskin supers

Thu Jan 26, 2023 4:47 pm

I have had the cataract removal. I slept through the whole thing. It lasted less than an hour, and I was home for lunch.
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