Hey there Duramax,
My very first thought is you may have been destine to live a life of diapers seeing you are a Chevy guy. HAHA. sorry, couldn't resist.
In all seriousness, keep seeing your urologist. Believe me, EVERYONE here knows how much all the test suck. From cysto's to urodynamic test. Not to mention all the drugs and the insane side effects that come with them. My advice is to stick with it. I know it sucks but you need to find out what's going on and how best to treat it. If you don't like your current doctor, then find another. Remember, they work for you and if you don't like the service, you can take your business somewhere else.
As for using a pad or a "pull up", that's up to you. If you worry that the pad will leak or you are finding you are really giving the pad a soaking, then the pull on will be the next step. Just a heads up though, pull on's are a pain if you have to change while you are out. You have to remove your pants and most likely your shoes too to put a clean one on.
Be ready for a long journey while you and your doctors try to figure this out and just know you are not alone.