Not a great day. Lots of thoughts going through Ol' Unreliable (nickname for my brain). Maybe I'm extra sensitive today, didn't get enough sleep, or something...idk,. And granted, I don't have my new complete Urologist work up yet, but I've been down thIS road before, and from what I've read, and been told, and experienced, this is not going away.
I'm not comfortable with that idea in this moment. I've been up and down with it since it started getting really bad. Some days I am like, "yes, this will not slow me down," today I'm more like, " F@%# this". (Please pardon my language)
I don't really want to have to change my diaper in the bathrooms at work. I don't want to take multiple showers a day, apply rash cream, take gross garbage bags out to the trash in the cold everyday, dehydrate myself, take pills that make me feel dull and sick. I realize I'm really really complaining. Please don't take offense to this. I'm writing this as a diary for myself, and if it gets read by someone like me a few weeks ago and helps them in some way, that's what inspires me to share. Presumably all of us have had my exact "bad day" here, so I know I'm not alone, nor am I special.
Twice today I was frozen with fear just to stand up expecting to see a wet spot. Ugh!!! I was relieved to find out that my expensive, plastic backed diapers held me down. Great, right?...I guess. I'll take sounding like a walking garbage bag if I don't ruin my chair.
And what the hell is wrong with me? My body is obviously telling me something is horribly wrong, but what? The list of things it COULD be is not super long, but all of them don't have great resolution. All of this rolls in and out of my brain all day as I deal with the symptoms, and wait.
I'm just tired. Can't really sleep that well. I feel weak, and sick. Could totally be medications I take, taking a toll on me. My mind is full of hypochondriac like thoughts. What I do know though, is I'm over it today. Hey, tomorrow will be good.
Thanks, C.G.
_________________ Thank you kindly, CG