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In between two sizes

Wed Dec 15, 2004 5:36 pm

I have just recently become incontinent - follows an urge type pattern with a larger void and am still figuring out the best product to use (currently trying disposables... still hoping to find a solution but need protection in the mean time. )

My problem is that I'm overweight, and most of my extra fat is distributed on my thighs (and some on the hips -i'm female). So far I have just tried Depends (Briefs (some problem with leaks) and Protective Underwear (big problem with leaks) ... but the large feels ridiculously big around the waist and the mediums (only tried the briefs so far with this size) while still big for my waist almost don't fit around the thighs... I have to stretch the plastic and end up getting irritation.

Is it better to buy large or mediums in this circumstance in terms of preventing leaks. I do want to try other brands that might work better. Are there differences among brands in terms of "thigh fit." I just want to find something that will work so I can go out again and not have to live in fear all day that I will leak!

I'm just confused about what is best and how to approach this problem without too much trial and error and extra expense.

thank you very much.

Please try this

Sat Dec 18, 2004 7:26 am

Welcome to our ISO (Incontinent Support. Org)

I think you will continue to be disappointed with the usual diapers available in the stores which includes the new and popular pull on diapers termed protective underwear.

Check our Links UPDATED! which you'll find near the bottom of the left side list of menue items. Go to Suppliers and click the link for Adult Cloth Diaper Company. Then click disposable diapers. The Secure Plus diapers offered there are very good for the cost of just over a dollar per diaper. Try the Large size. The new refastenable front panel will let you more easily adjust the tapes to get a comfortable fit without the irritation.

While these are not quite up to Molis or Abena X diapers (the European premium diapers) they are quite good and better than Attends / Depend and any store brand diaper.

Comfort is most important, both the physical comfort of a diaper that fits and the emotional comfort of being able to enjoy an outing with friends free from the worry of wet pants or wet chairs! If your urge voids are such that even the Secure Plus diapers don't work reliably, then you will have to move up to the pricier Molis and Abenas which can be found at ABAIP. You will find that link at the bottom of the page where you will see or be ordering the Secure Plus diapers from Adult Cloth Diaper Co.

Sun Dec 19, 2004 2:08 am

Hi, a bit like you, I got this type of "weight repartition". My extra weight is thighs and hips (I always found that funny being a guy...) and most briefs seem to not fit too well because of that, which also means leaks. I guess they're made or optimized for a different body shape than ours. I wear depend during daytime when I have to because they're cheap. They don't leak, but the fit at the top like you mention isn't great. As for the pull-on underwear, I've had nothing but problems with it. The only one I found that actually fits well is the attends. The leg cut is different and it works very well. I only use it at night though. Another good thing is - I've never had leaks with it at night, which is always a problem being a guy (leaks at sides or top with all others I've tried). As for using cloth, in my case it's just out of the question. Hopefully the suggestion helps.

@JoeK: ISO stands for "International Standards Organization", and is well known for that by over 90% of the population (certifications, film sensitivities and what not). I really don't think it's a good acronym to come up with for the site (not to mention you use it to differentiate from a site that could use the very same acronym then). And I still see no point to using an acronym at all... Aren't there already too many acronyms?

In between two sizes

Mon Apr 25, 2005 3:54 am

Hi, sorry for the late reaction. I'm like you, except that my thighs are thinner than normal - size Medium - and my waist is oversized. I use Large briefs anyway and plastic pants over them, which I would really recommend as they do a good job of reducing leaks. Hope this helps.
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