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Diaper banks in need.

Tue Mar 02, 2021 10:55 pm

I figured folks on this site may want to read this. The Google likes to track my internet activity and thought I may want to read this since it's about diapers.... well, I read it. And it made me sad, and kind of angry TBH.

I may be depressed lately, and sure I can relate to needing diapers, both as a parent and (now) for myself, but this made me upset to read this.

How do we not have benefits for diapers with all of the different support programs we have in place?! Is it not a basic need for children? How about elderly that can't work? (Actually, I do not know are diapers covered by medicare?) But seriously parents that earn below the poverty line cannot use their benefits for diapers?!

This article also states that feminine, and adult incontinence products were also hard to keep stocked so people that needed them had access to them. I imagine that those items are probably donated less due to the fact that the need is less known to the general populous.

Think I may see if I can find a local diaper bank and donate some of the stuff I have that was too big for me, or can't use.
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