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my turn to travel

Thu Oct 06, 2016 7:58 pm

so on october 20th im going to colorado to see my family (who i havent seen in 10 months)
im having half a case of a+ sent to their house as i will only be there for a week.
ive only traveled once with diapers and that was last christmas.
ill be packing several diapers in my carry on and a few in my luggage.
praying that i have no problems with tsa....

Re: my turn to travel

Thu Oct 06, 2016 9:36 pm

Safe travels. Every time I have had to fly, I didn't experience any issues with the TSA.

Re: my turn to travel

Fri Oct 07, 2016 3:39 am

Never, as in NEVER EVER, have I had so much as one single problem with TSA or anyone or anything else flying. I am in Dubai right now and I fly more than you may ever even think of flying. Each of us think that we are terminally unique. That we are the only ones with these incontinence issues. I hate to tell you this, but we are not alone. Good luck you will be just fine.

Re: my turn to travel

Fri Oct 07, 2016 5:16 am

have a safe flight and Have fun.

Re: my turn to travel

Fri Oct 07, 2016 5:45 am

Have a great time with your family.

Re: my turn to travel

Fri Oct 07, 2016 11:01 am

Good luck!

I've taken a couple small business trips since this bedwetter and diapers started. Just BOS to NYC for a week at a time. I have one suitcase I pack my clothes and diapers in. It's big but just acceptable as carry on. If I go for a week I bring 10-12 diapers. One for each night plus a handful of extras in case tapes pop or something rips. I've never had the TSA bat an eye or ask me to open the case.

Wife and I are just starting to plan a big trip for next year. She's Polynesian. Her parents are 1st generation Tongan immigrants and they have a couple houses still in Tonga. It's a very long flight (Bos to LA, LA to Sidney or NZ, there to Tonga). We'd go for at least 3 weeks because it's so far and so much travel that it's just not worth it to go for a week. I'm dying to go, because I love the awesome culture I married into and can't wait to see the islands. It's like Fiji but without all the commercial development and resorts. A tropical paradise left mostly in it's natural state.

I'm also dreading it bc that's a lot of diapers to pack. And I honestly don't trust that I could ship a case of diapers over there ahead of time. A relative would probably open the box! So I'd probably have to bring a second suitcase with just diapers in it. Also, on such a long haul flight I'd have to be diapered since I'd be sleeping. I'd probably just put my diaper on with a booster in the airport bathroom rather than deal with the tiny plane bathroom.

Re: my turn to travel

Fri Oct 07, 2016 11:25 am

I grew up reading the National Geographic magazine, and fantasizing about the south Pacific islands, including Tonga. Prepare well; enjoy yourself and report back when you arrive home.

Re: my turn to travel

Fri Oct 07, 2016 1:01 pm


Your trip sounds exciting. but I would encourage you to experiment now by trying to pack the number of diapers you will need.

We travel a lot and, IMHO, one suitcase will not be enough diapers for 3 weeks. You may be safer by shipping the boxes to that relative.


Re: my turn to travel

Mon Oct 10, 2016 11:35 am

I've mentioned this elsewhere, but it bears repeating. Most every airline will allow an additional and free checked bag if it is only carrying medical supplies. You will have to declare it though.

If you're not sure about availability or price of diapers for where you're flying to, you can always take plenty with you for no extra cost. I've taken a weeks worth of diapers with me before (about two dozen) when I went to hawaii. As a plus, the empty bag for returning home doubled great for bringing back souvenirs (though I had to pay for that bag fee).

Re: my turn to travel

Tue Oct 18, 2016 11:46 am

Have a great trip Mike! Sounds amazing.

I leave in 2 days and starting to get a little less nervous.
My parents got my case of a+ and Ill be taking 2 bags with me (one big one smaller) and my suitcase. The smaller one is just a shoulder bag that Ill throw in my suitcase to have at my parents and the bigger one is my messenger bag that will have my laptop and all my supplies in.
Think Ive got everything covered
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