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Some Answers Please

Tue Jan 09, 2007 2:44 pm

Hi Iam a male older than most of you.I started leaking a while back I do have a enlarged prostate.The tests the drs give scare me to death from other posts.Any answers?

Prostate problems

Wed Jan 10, 2007 11:32 am

I sympathise with your worry about the problems that your enlarged prostate is causing. The tests that you will be asked to undergo are scary and unpleasant; and there's the chance that they will lead to a diagnosis of prostate cancer. It's a very scary business. On the other hand, not getting prostate cancer diagnosed is an even scarier prospect. If you do in fact have prostate cancer, you need to get it diagnosed and treated. When diagnosed early, it's highly curable. If you put things off and wait too long, it's likely to kill you. Having to deal with prostate problems is something that many of us have to face as we get older. But dealing with those problems is part of the philosophy (to which I subscribe) that says the only thing worse than getting old is the alternative.

Good luck!

Sun Feb 04, 2007 6:56 pm

Hi ADHB I should have made myself more clear.I just got checked for cancer was ok bph causes the incon problem.thanks
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