Disposables or cloth diapers? And why?
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Mon Feb 02, 2009 4:41 pm

Thanks for the additional information. The cloth work well at night and day time one just needs to make necessary adjustments to the design. You are correct in that it helps a lot to pre-wash the fabric so it shinks down a couple inches. Patterns are kind of easy one needs only purchase whatever style that works best and study how it is sewn together. For the flat pre-fold style if one purchases regular baby diapers with the center lining sewn in you can reproduce it in a larger size. The cost of the baby diaper can be added to the diaper by using it as a soaker and sewn in lining. Sizing can be an issue but the on line retailers websites can help with suggested measurements. It can like all thinks be a trail and error, however once you find the pattern that works money is saved over all.
Thanks again for the assistance. take care!

home made diapers

Mon Feb 02, 2009 6:21 pm

This is my first post on this site. In reading about the home made cloth diapers, I am very interested. I have wanted to try using cloth, but cannot afford the up front cost of getting started with some cloth diapers. Does anyone have a link to a site that shows patterns for making cloth diapers?


Mon Feb 02, 2009 7:34 pm

Hi RayH Welcome to the Board. I think allot of people that are making their own cloth diapers are using a diaper they bought as a pattern I'm not a good one to answer this for you but I'm sure one of the guys will jump in and give you some advice..................Sandy :)

Homemade Diapers

Tue Feb 03, 2009 9:04 am

I join Sandy in welcoming you to the board! It's always nice to have new members who will post.
To answer your question, Sandy is on track on what I did. I already had one flat diaper that fit the way I liked that I used as a pattern. It was washed several times so it was pretty much shrunk all the way.
I bought flannel material at the fabric store which I think was 54" wide?
Wash it atleast once, twice if you want to be sure it is finished shrinking, and then start cutting. I allowed 1/2" each side to allow for your seam. And as I said earlier, I used a baby diaper(already washed too) as a center soaker panel.
I did all the cutting and a friend did the sewing for me with her sewing machine. I love these diapers since they fit me just right.
Any other questions, just post. Thanks for your interest! ........Paul Martin

Homemade Diapers

Tue Feb 03, 2009 12:45 pm

I've given up on disposables for overnight, so I'm back to thinking about making my own custom cloth diapers and booster pads.

I have heavy weight flannel diapers from Angel Fluff and have to fight getting the pins through them. I'd like to try gauze but can't find the material at my local fabric shop or on the Net. Does anyone have a source for gauze material?

Another advantage of making my own would be getting the size just right, as Paul discussed. I weigh only 140 pounds and use 24 x 32 before washing. If I were to customize, I'd increase the width (around the waist) and reduce the length (waist-crotch-waist). Some of my vinyl pants won't fit over the back of my diaper unless I fold it down a few inches, which reduces comfort and compounds the difficulty of pinning.

Gauze Material?

Tue Feb 03, 2009 6:05 pm

Hey Falcon,
Thanks for the post and welcome to the forum. When I was buying my material to make my cloth diapers, I could not find the right type of gauze. I did not ask the store owner, but I bet if I did, she could have steered me to the right direction.
When I make more of these, I'm going to find the type gauze material I need. ..............Paul Martin

Re: home made diapers, towels?

Thu Feb 05, 2009 10:14 pm

[quote="RayH"]This is my first post on this site. In reading about the home made cloth diapers, I am very interested. I have wanted to try using cloth, but cannot afford the up front cost of getting started with some cloth diapers. Does anyone have a link to a site that shows patterns for making cloth diapers?

Something I have wondered. Has anyone tried bath towels for a homemade diaper? (Bath towels are terrycloth, right?) One night while staying at a Red Roof Inn I noticed that their bath towels were about the same width as my cloth diapers, just longer. (No, I didn't take any with me...) And not as thick. The long end could be folded over...
Of course they would have to be worn in layers because I don't think one towel would be heavy enough... Layers are better anyway. And towels are cheaper than cloth diapers. (Just a guess. Lots of stores have towels)
It may be an inexpensive way to try cloth without buying actual cloth diapers.
I sound delirious. I will go back to my hole now...

Fri Feb 06, 2009 10:59 am

Yes I've used towels before. Sometime back my husband and I were stuck on our power boat at an island due to high winds for a few days. Not a big deal the boats a 25 footer with a cabin Problem was I didn't bring enough diapers. So I needed something so at least I had plastic pants I used some beach towels folded them several times used some duck tape to hold them on and with the plastic pants was good to go. But to me I think Flannel and birds eye in a contoured fit is much more comfortable...............Sandy :)

Fri Feb 06, 2009 6:17 pm

I figured you would have stocked your boat with a stash of diapers as well as you stock your van.
That's putting you common sense to work figuring out how to cope! ....Paul Martin

Sat Feb 07, 2009 9:23 am

Sandy wrote:Yes I've used towels before. Sometime back my husband and I were stuck on our power boat at an island due to high winds for a few days...

Points for enginuity there Sandy. You sure you aren't related to MacGuyver?
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