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What is wrong with people?

Wed May 25, 2011 1:56 am

I have been in diapers all of my adult life. I accepted all of this and have gone on with my life. However several friends and two several relatives in m family cannot get over me wearing diapers. They literally make jokes about me and it gets obnoxious.

They say I must be into diapers because of I wasn't, I'd take medication or have surgery to stop this. I told them and tried to explain that it was complications of surgery that left me incontinent. I told them I tried the medications years ago and nothing worked. I am dead set against surgery and I am content to wear diapers.

I don't know where some people get off with trying to run other peoples lives. I also don't get their aversion to me wearing diapers either

Wed May 25, 2011 2:14 am

Tell them to accept who you are as a whole or piss off. Sorry for the bluntness. Purposefully ignorant people annoy me.

Wed May 25, 2011 9:34 am

Sorry to here of your problem I would agree tell them to piss off :x (Bluntness meant) It really burns me up when people are so ignorant. I assume these people are not very high up the intelligence scale. I've found in the past the ones that make fun of us with our condition. Or just make a stupid comment are often the ones with an IQ of around "bean dip" :roll:

I'll always remember that time Jane and I were outside washing down a boat and one of our Bean dip customers came over by us and blurted out to Jane "do you wear diapers" Jane looked as if she was about to break down :( So with out a second to loose I stood up and said well yes of course we both do don't you :shock: The look on his face was priceless. He said in a loud voice NO :!: Then said Sandy your such a kidder and walked away. Just send a shock wave to thier brain and they will forget all about it :wink: It doesn't take much to over load a bean dip brain :lol:

So anyway I feel for you my heart truly goes out to you. Keep your head up......................................Sandy :)

Wed May 25, 2011 12:27 pm

I've never been hassled by family or friends but then most of them don't know and those that do know are pretty cool about it. My better half will occasionally pat me on my rear and call me Mr. Saggy Bottoms but I consider that a term of endearment. I do have a couple friends that call each other bedwetters. They also accuse each other of "having his diaper on too-tight" when they aren't getting along the best. It used to bother me but now I just let it go in one ear and out the other. Unfortunately some people have no idea what we have to deal with on a daily basis. Sometimes I feel as if I should tell them that I have to wear diapers 24/7 but then I'd propbably end up being the brunt of their jokes so I'll remain silent.

What is wrong with people?

Wed May 25, 2011 9:23 pm

Yes, people can certainly be cruel and ruthless, but I have not encountered anything of that nature as of yet. I tend to think it is it boneheads and immature of our little flock we call the Human race that would tease, ridicule or hassle because we need to use an absorbant undergarment to deal with plumbing problems... I like to think it will all come around one day for those kind of people, when the shoe will be on the other foot and it will not be such an amusing issue to mock. So far, not an issue for me with any encounters, but I am not holding my breath on this one, I know one day it will rear it's ugly head :evil: , just have to deal with it when it happens, :roll: Puffy

Wed May 25, 2011 10:22 pm

Maybe the people making jokes live secret life and are really closet AB's. I think I would offer them a diaper and then tell them to piss off. :)

Seattledoug said it best. I don't tell many friends about my incontinence, and only a few members of my family know that I wear diapers. However, all of my family and friends know I have some serious back problems. They just don't know everything about all the nerve damage.

It's sad to say, really have to be careful who you disclose this type of disability to. Some people don't understand being incon is a disability just like wearing glasses is a disability. I stand steadfast,......tell them to piss off and move on with life. :lol:

Thu May 26, 2011 7:06 am

It is best to keep your personal problems to your self. When I was young and I still hear some of it, terms like Four eyes (glasses), fatso, spaghetti legs, strech (too tall) Shorty (too short) Red (red hair) and countless ethnic slurs as well as so much more prevailed. People are people - yes they may have something that could be judged "not normal" but they get relief by teasing others. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." If it only was that way. I hope everyone here has learned to live by that! Papa

Thu May 26, 2011 11:40 am

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." --Dr. Seuss.

IMO, a great quote to live by.

Thu May 26, 2011 7:15 pm

Puffy, I've thought the same thing about how someday this might afflict the ones who tease but then I never want to wish this on anyone. I believe it is all due to ignorance. Incontinence has been a taboo subject in our society for years. Continence is something most people take for granted and many make light of the subject of incontinence. All they need to do is walk down the incontinence isle of a Walmart or local grocery store to realize that there must be lots of people out there suffering from incontinence just from the sheer number of products available. I've never heard anyone make light of a diabetic or someone living with some other condition that requires special needs. Even AIDS has become socially acceptable so why is someone lacking control of their bowels and/or bladder still made fun of? People can be cruel.

Sun May 29, 2011 11:47 am

Agreed DDS, I wouldn't want this affliction to have be be dealt with by anyone either, along with back problems and migraines, I have those on my plate as well, the back I have learned to deal with day to day, and the migraines are few and far between, but when I get one it is 3-4 days in bed to get rid of it, just nasty... I do not think incontinence will ever be accepted in today's society, not totally anyhow, but it has come a long way, just look at the TV commercials out now, never saw those 20 years ago? Puffy
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