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Sun Aug 14, 2011 7:01 am

I am currently working on a claim with the DAV and the VA. I am trying to get 100% schedular disabled. I have included GI distress and bowel incontinence in my claim. I have been told they only rate one disorder of the bowel though. The incon is worth more money but they get to pick which one they give me. I have other claims as well.

Re: IBS and Fecal Incontinence

Tue Oct 18, 2011 12:34 pm

I have had IBS for 2 years. I go from constipation to frequent diarrhea. When I am constipated it seems to cause oab. When I am not constipated I have sudden loose stool that I can not control. I have one extreme or the other. I prefer the loose stool as it is not as painful as the constipation. When I have the loose stool I will soil a few diapers a day.

Re: IBS and Fecal Incontinence

Sat Oct 22, 2011 3:06 pm

Hi, I haven't been here for a bit because the bladder issues that originally led me here have improved somewhat for the time being, but if anyone with IBS or another functional GI or GI motility disorder, or anyone with a close friend or relative with a FGIMD has not checked out my IBS awareness and advocacy blog (There also is a main website but not updated as frequently), recently or at all, please consider doing so. There has been some promising forward motion in bipartisan U.S. legislation to improve research and FDA coordination for these conditions and this needs further support from affected people. I'm not discussing the details here, as I'm not sure what the forum rules allow, but again, I am a person with IBS, as are most people in my group, we are volunteers donating our own time and resources as as independent grassroots group, not selling anything, just encouraging accurate awareness and self advocacy among IBSers worldwide. If you are interested in the legislation above, please click on the HR 2239 category, but feel free to check out the other posts too. Thanks. http://ibsimpact.wordpress.com

Re: IBS and Fecal Incontinence

Mon Feb 13, 2012 5:47 pm

Hi, just wanted to post and let people know that there have been many updates to the IBS Impact main site and blog in the last several months. Most recently, just this month, we were able to add this forum to our links page (under overlapping conditions as not all people with IBS experience incontinence, and the support forums section is IBS specific.) This forum has been very helpful about sorting out products, vendors, etc, and this sort of thing is not usually discussed on IBS forums, so I'm pleased to link here in return for allowing me to post about the sites. Although many of us in the group are from the US, we've also made an effort to have other English speaking countries represented, and just added many new non-US links in Canada, the UK, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand. Other helpful things for everybody too, including disability benefit links. Please feel free to come look. The main site, updated every few months, is at http://www.ibsimpact.com The blog, updated every week or so, is at http://ibsimpact.wordpress.com Thanks.

Re: IBS and Fecal Incontinence

Wed Feb 15, 2012 10:40 pm

I am not a veteran nor do I have diabetes or high blood pressure or any meds that could cause a problem in me. Out of the blue one day I developed a constipation that lasted for 2 weeks and when it broke I was happy. It has been years now and I am always between constipation and diaherra. I have tried diet change and everything, supplements and everything. I go from extreme pain from constipation to complete loss of control of my bowels. The constipation can last for days or the frequent lose stool can last for days.

Re: IBS and Fecal Incontinence

Thu Feb 16, 2012 4:04 pm


When I started to have bowel problems well it sounds just like the way it started in you.
All my life at least as far back as I can remember I was never regular and I could go a week between bowel movements no pain or problems.
The first time it really hit me I was going to a gun show I was a firearm dealer.
Going through a large city I got the urge to go but there was no place to stop and I always was able to hold it until I found a men’s room. But this time it was different and in less than a minute I lost control completely this was 4:00am in the morning.

That was the first time it happened but from there it continued having uncontrollable bowel messes and I started to go to doctors after doctor no diagnoses I already had some urinary problems.
I decided to go to a neurologist and after many test I was diagnosed with CIDP and autonomic neuropathy.

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