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Re: I'm not really sure what type I have - could somebody he

Tue Oct 08, 2013 9:21 am

Just back from the urologist. Upped my meds. A little bit seemed to have no effect, so we will try a little bit more. Continue kegels. Hopefully this will reduce my leakage during the day. And a change in behavior. Drink plenty of fluids in the morning so I am hydrated, but taper off intake of fluids towards evening with the hopes of reducing my night time interruptions.


Re: I'm not really sure what type I have - could somebody he

Tue Oct 08, 2013 11:54 am

Sounds like he's not helping you at all. He didn't order any tests? The medicine is just masking your problem. Most likely your having bladder spasms. You may have a Neurogenic bladder, the bladder muscle is screwed up, and the nerves are sending wrong signals. I'm having spasms everytime I leak.

Re: I'm not really sure what type I have - could somebody he

Tue Oct 08, 2013 12:14 pm

Scott, I am also concerned that there have been no tests done. There's lots of cheap and easy to do tests that would ensure you are getting the right treatment. Could I ask how you are leaking - continuous dripping, or leaks separated out by half and hour and hour or more?

Re: I'm not really sure what type I have - could somebody he

Wed Oct 09, 2013 11:23 am

Pacula wrote:My incontience doesn't seem to fit into any of the 'normal' types described, so I can't define it, but only describe it - perhaps somebody could give me some insight?

I have accidents throughout the day, without any warning at all.

Pacula, that sounds a bit like what happens often to me. Normally I just dribble day and night, but every once in a while it just starts to flow without warning. Often I don't even feel the urge to go or know it's happening until I feel it running down my legs.

My urologist calls it "non-compliant bladder" and says the bladder fills but I don't feel the urge and eventually it just releases itself. I've googled it but found very little info on it.

Mention "non-compliant bladder to your uro and see what he says.

Re: I'm not really sure what type I have - could somebody he

Wed Oct 09, 2013 12:18 pm

Fred ,
That is called overflow incontinence. You are holding urine in your bladder. That is not good. I am wearing a Foley because of that! You need to have a Urodynamic study done

Re: I'm not really sure what type I have - could somebody he

Fri Oct 11, 2013 7:42 am

I have had urodynamic testing done. Pump my bladder up with water, let the tech know a)when I first have sensation of something in my bladder. b)when my bladder signals that it will be time to go soon. C) when my bladder is full, D) when my bladder signals that is urgent that I go.
Results. Inconclusive. Everything worked as it should. Capacity was as it should be. Only thing that went "wrong" was when it was time for me to relax and release urine, I couldn't. I had to force to release. I don't have that problem normally and tech said was probably from having a catheter in me and a probe elsewhere that was causing me to have "shy bladder".
After that I went to the other room and endured "the camera". No trauma/damage seen in my urinary tract. Results. No damage so the problem is something else. On the prescription front, since my medication was doubled, my dripping has seemed to decrease. Time will tell. I hope other problems like side effects show up...


Re: I'm not really sure what type I have - could somebody he

Fri Oct 11, 2013 12:18 pm

Did they cath you after you tried to go? So how much more did they get out? IF you are not emptying your bladder it will cause infections and that is why you leak. It's called overflow incontinence. It sounds like you need to straight cath It is not normal to force your urine out, even if you had a catheter in. The reason I have a Foley in me is because I have to force urine out.
When I had my Urodynamic test done and after she filled me I had severe pressure in my kidneys and she stopped the test. She told me to try to go. I could not get very much out. She cathed me and took out about 1000 cc, hence to Foley.
When you go how long can you hold a stream without pushing?

Re: I'm not really sure what type I have - could somebody he

Sat Oct 12, 2013 9:14 pm

I think that part is ok. 470ccs were pumped in during the test until I was full. 495ccs came out. I just had to push a little to get started. The shy bladder was attributed to the situation that that I was in uncomfortable surrounding, trying to urinate in front of someone and trying to urinate while a small catheter was still inside me.... The tech did not think it was a big deal, so I don't either. On with the next.


Re: I'm not really sure what type I have - could somebody he

Sun Oct 13, 2013 1:34 am

I did exactly the same thing, emptied out while the cath was still there, but I didn't have much choice in the matter, it was happening even though I didn't want it to happen, kinda embarassing, but these med staff see this stuff every day! :lol: Puffy

Re: I'm not really sure what type I have - could somebody he

Wed Oct 16, 2013 8:49 pm

That is not quite what happened to me. The tech wanted me to just relax and empty my bladder. Like I would do normally. I was not supposed to force it or push. But with the catheter threaded up there (it was a small one) and the other stuff going on (the other probe in my backside I guess) my bladder was not co-operating. The tech did all she could (She was really professional the whole time, I never really felt uncomfortable at all.) Turned water on in the sink, left the room. But nothing happened and I finally had to force myself to start. Sort of amusing now. Sort of was then...

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