Place to discuss how to get assistance with offsetting cost of incontinence supplies
Thu Oct 03, 2019 2:11 pm
So the VA excepted my Dr request for diapers, However they said they would not do abena which is what my Dr prescribed. They also said they only will do one case a month anyone with experience in this that could help with advice. They also said they will only do a generic brand aswell.
Fri Oct 04, 2019 4:12 am
Have you tried other brands and they have failed? I'm not exactly sure this was what my nurse used in the past, but look up "NonVA_NF_Form Fax Version.pdf" as it seems to fit the situation. I have been receiving Abena products for over 2 years now. 2 cases per month along with boosters. I did explain why these are better than anything else the VA had sent me or I have tried myself out of pocket. for example: the noticeable bulge, clumping of material, numerous leaks, breaking down of material during summer months etc..
Thu May 07, 2020 12:53 am
Follow up.
The VA was good enough to change the Prescription my Dr requested we tried what the best they said they had to offer now they verified again with my Dr what I should be using and not only did they change his prescription but they whent to a belted undergarment which is less absorbent and does not fit my situation at all. Can any one help in this VA Bureaucratic nightmare? They keep telling me this is all they have to offer but I do not believe them. Does any one have any help or advice that may help?
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