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Stomach issues

Mon Apr 18, 2022 4:56 pm

So one of the side effects of my medication humira is diarrhea. I had physical therapy today and almost didn't make it through the session. I ran so fast to the bathroom I forgot my cane and my physical therapist followed me and yelled "Elijah you forgot your cane!" I quickly said thank you and just barely made it to the toilet. I've had a couple times at home where I didn't make it and was grateful for my diaper. Humira has been great for my HS but not great for my digestive system. I just needed to vent.

Re: Stomach issues

Mon Apr 18, 2022 7:28 pm

Close calls can be the pits. Although I was glad to read that you managed successfully, your cautionary tale should remind us always to wear adequate protection. This could have happened anywhere, with no guarantee of a handicapped restroom nearby. My gym/diaper bag has saved me several times.

Re: Stomach issues

Mon Apr 18, 2022 10:37 pm

Thanks Patrick. Yea I am always diapered these days. Wheather I'm at home or out. Night or day. It's just not worth the risk. I also never go out without a well stocked messenger backpack. I never leave without my keys or glasses and never leave the house without at least 3 diapers, wipes, and powder

Re: Stomach issues

Tue Apr 19, 2022 1:26 pm

I take the daily max dose of metformin to manage my glucose levels, in addition to insulin. So I am often afflicted daily with diarrhea (you poop out the extra glucose). Sometimes my body adjusts to it and sometimes not. On top of that, coffee affects me hour+ later. So now when I diaper up to go out, I have to skip my morning coffee(s). As much as I like coffee, skipping it is a small price to pay to skip a bowel blowout.

Even for urinary IC, I have resigned to using the diaper when out doing yard work. It's not worth breaking bones running to the bathroom and stepping on a house cat in the process. With BM, I usually have more warning and do make the effort.

Re: Stomach issues

Tue Apr 19, 2022 4:00 pm

I can go without coffee and STILL have bad diarrhea all day.

1) thank goodness for a backup supply of diapers cause I'm going through a LOT.

2) barrier cream wipes are great for a sore butt!

Re: Stomach issues

Wed Apr 20, 2022 6:07 pm

I took some anti diarrhea medicine yesterday and now I'm constipated. I can't win!
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