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Questions for the F-IC

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2022 10:28 am
by wayne
Last Sunday, I nearly had a BM in front of the cashier at the Canadian Tire store. When I first got there while shopping, I felt a storm brewing below but I figured it could be suppressed, even if it were a bit uncomfortable. But by the time I got to the cashier line, it was getting downright urgent.

Try as I might to suppress it, it just kept on "pushing". When the free cashier signalled to me that she was available, I took baby steps towards her station without making it too obvious. If had I took my normal stride, it would have all come out. I was so close to giving in, it was so bad. But I took small steps across the parking lot to the car and sitting down quieted the urge down to a subdued level, and I was able to make it home.

All of this reminded me that I am not prepared for this! I've had some diarrhea incidents and a partial BM on another occasion. I have to face the fact that F-IC is headed my way so it seems. :shock: So now I have questions:

Q1. Is a pull-up sufficient for containment? I suspect not, or at least not without plastic pants. Embarrassment is job #1, but avoiding soling my jeans is the 2nd main priority. I normally wear pull-ups during the day since I use the toilet when I can.

Q2. Would you trust something like the TENA Flex (shown below) with a BM (it is open at the sides for breathing)? I sometimes wear these when I want to allow myself to air out some, and on other days I'll wear an underwear brief over it as a compresser.

Q3. How do you deal with the gag reflex? My father had that bad but I know it will affect me too.

Q4. I need to find out more about Nullo or its equivalents. I assume this is an over-the-counter drug of some sort.

Q5. If you were in my place, not yet F-IC and managing urinary IC, how what would you wear just in case? I don't want to be over protected but at the same time I want to save face if the worst should happen. The main challenge for me is that I still make use of the toilet at home/office.

Nothing about this is easy.

Re: Questions for the F-IC

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2022 11:35 am
by Patrick
The threat of having a BM in public can be devastating. Perhaps others can chime in here. I use Devrom, which I purchase online. Also, for GI issues, there is no such thing as over protection. An absorbent, high-quality diaper, whether disposable or washable, covered by a reliable over pant, backed up by a well-stocked diaper/gym bag are essential to our well-being. Good luck and report back when you can.

Re: Questions for the F-IC

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2022 8:58 am
by JDinVirginia
Pullups definitely are NOT adequate for fecal incontinence and are even worse if it is diarrhea. You need to wear a real diaper with tabs, plus plastic pants. I have been there - I know. :oops:

Nullo and Devrom are internal deodorants that are available over-the-counter. I have used them and they can work very well for most people. However, to be fully effective a high dosage may be necessary. The higher doses can cause constipation.

I would wear a tabbed (taped) diaper with plastic pants for bladder IC, not a pullup. No change for the bowel IC.

Patrick is quite correct (as usual) about the need for preparation. A well-stocked gym bag is your "emergency kit" and should contain wipes, disposal bags, and a change of clothing, in addition to extra diapers. I use a small backpack with just the essentials and have a larger "disaster kit" in my car.

Have you seen a physician?

Good luck!

(double incontinent)

Re: Questions for the F-IC

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2022 10:29 am
by wayne
I think you're both right. I need to wear full protection of brief and plastic pants when I head out to stores or do errands. I can't see anything else being effective enough as you said. I can skimp when at home (which is now my office).

As for seeing the "physician" about this, no. I am waiting for this pandemic mode to end. Right now when I call I get the secretary (with heavy accent). I would only personally see the doc if the situation was "warranted". I hate dealing with my doc through a 3rd party. One day, I'll catch up with him in person.

My earlier my urinary IC was attributed to my 20+ years of diabetes (nerve damage). I expect that the same prognosis will be given for my increasing bowel issues. It feels like the involuntary system is ignoring/fighting the voluntary control system. My brain says stop, but the bowels say "keep pushing". It's like two active components in electronics deciding which one is the strongest.