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Pulled the trigger, ordered custom contour flannel from AFDC http://www.incontinentsupport.org/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=4359 |
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Author: | sociologygeek [ Mon Nov 06, 2023 10:31 am ] |
Post subject: | Pulled the trigger, ordered custom contour flannel from AFDC |
Well, I did it. I was debating whetehr to give flannel diapers a try since they have a reputation of being very slow drying. But I reasoned that their great absorbency with minimal bulk would make them an ideal addition to my Ecoable setup. As of right now, I'm still working on a workable setup wtih Ecoable's 2.0 Pockets. The setup I have been using requires a lot of additonal parts and things get bunched up.. Seems to be most useful as an absorbent cover for my Ecoable Fitteds, giving me just an extra oomph for absorbency. Which is made all but obsolete by Dependeco's AIO diapers, suprisingly. They fit over the fitted diapers very well. I had a fitted with an isert underneath an AIO with a prefold sandwiched between the 2 diapers. It worked very well. It held wetting after wetting. My current plans for the 2.0 Pocket diaper other than the aformentioned cover would be either with a single ADC prefold or with the gauze inserts. I am considering tweaking a custom ADC prefold to fit exactly in the 2.0 pocket to avoid shifting and bunching. As a diaper shell, they are awesome. Full coverage, and a very roomy fit. Very comfortable. Better coverage than the previous ecoable pocket iterations. But, with the inserts, they are not sized big enough to not shift or bunch in the pocket. This is where it gets anoying. Anyway, I'm hoping the custom contour will give me the absorbency of the fitted plus AIO with just a fitted to act as a stay dry liner and a diaper cover. Not that my curent setup doesnt keep me very comfortable, its just a lot to manage and carry around. Peace out! Rob |
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