So, just so I know how much I actually void involuntarily after drinking an adequate amount of water, I did the following: I drank 2 bottle fulls of a smart water 20 oz bottle. My urine was light yellow, but not clear. This is how I knew that I was hydrated, but not overly hydrated. I read that having clear urine means you are over hydrated which can throw off your salt balance. Not a good thing. I think when I flooded the other day and was worried that my proteciton wasn't enough, I think I was overhydrating. One of the diapers that was wet, the pee in it was clear. So, yeah, id say I was overhydrating. I see no reason to drink more than 2 20 oz bottles at a time. that should provide more than adequate hydration. In the span of an hour an a half, I voided close to 800 mL and then later 300 ml. That means I need a product capable of holding 1200 or more in fluid. In order to last 4 hours comfortably, I'd say id need as heavy as a cloth diaper as I can muster. Or, a disposable the likes of MegaMax or a boosted better dry. I think lack of episodes=lack of hydration. Which isn't good, obviiously. I think I should expect more episodes if I am well hydrated.
Peace out!
_________________ "We cannot do great things. We can only do small things with great love" Mother Teresa
"THERE ARE FOUR LIGHTS!" - Captain Picard from Chain of Command, Part II