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Acquisition rate makes a difference with cloth http://www.incontinentsupport.org/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=4326 |
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Author: | sociologygeek [ Fri Jul 07, 2023 10:09 am ] |
Post subject: | Acquisition rate makes a difference with cloth |
So, I know this seems obvious but I wanted to put it out there anyway. If you give any product enough time to absorb by clenching to stop the flow of urine only temporarily, it might surprise you with its abilitity to hold larger wettings. I have worn Adult Cloth Diaper's AIO diapers for around the house use and this morning, it held a massive flood without leaking. Granted, it probably was needing a change right then and there every time and would not hold a second wetting, but thats ok. Most of the time when I am at home, I operate on a change when wet basis. So, I'm contemplating invesing in AIO cloth diapers and eventually getting rid of even my Medicaid attends. It would hold an advantage of convinence over pockets and fittends because I don't need to prep anything.. I just slap one on and go. If I buy enough of them, I should be able to mitigate any concerns with rotation/wearing out. I think that leaks occur when the diaper does not have time to aborb everything being thrown at it and free liquid finds its way to a leg band. or waist band. The beauty of AIO that I see with ADC at least is that the excess liquid is actually trapped between the abosrbent core and the waterproof layer, so that even if the diaper doesn't abosrb anything.. if you take it off carefully the excess urine is still containend and given time to abosrb. This obviously does not happen with traditional cloth.. the excess urine that cannot be absorbed pools in the waterproof cover and then spills out when the cover and diaper are removed. I have yet to see this happpen with the AIO if I take it off slowly and after I give it enough time to absorb. I think it happened once or twice but that was after I removed it quickly and immediately after the episode. So, I just wanted to let you all know that in my opinion.. AIOs DO have a use for adults with moderate to heavy incontinence. Its just not recommened for continual extended wear use necessarily. Peace out! Rob |
Author: | Patrick [ Sat Jul 08, 2023 1:36 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Acquisition rate makes a difference with cloth |
Good advice. My leakage is more a continual drip, which gives my protection adequate time to do its work. However, a bowel release can still be catastrophic, which makes your insight so useful. Kudos, and keep up the good work. |
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