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And just like that..days of better control r over...

Fri Jan 13, 2023 12:52 pm

Yep, it's another of those days. A day when I consistently get very little warning of impending bladder releases.. and multiple wet diapers in a day. It is ok. I have good quality diapers at my disposal, and it doesn't last forever. The last time I saw a urologist I got the most unhelpful advice ever: get to the toilet more often. Yeah, I did that and still was leaking small amounts after. All that really matters to me at this point is making sure I'm well hydrated and not retaining urine, that I'm emptying fully. Whether that's in a toilet or a diaper, I could care less.

Peace out!

Re: And just like that..days of better control r over...

Fri Jan 13, 2023 10:12 pm

I usually make it through the day dry, though not always. My day today also for some reason, was worse than others.

We had company today and as he was leaving I suddenly urged. Not wanting to be rude or panic stricken, I stood in the doorway and allowed the urge to happen. Nobody was the wiser. Later in the day I was outside because I needed to pump up my truck tire with the air compressor (the rims have a nasty habit of leaking over time). I then started to urge in the cold and I didn't think I could trudge back into the house, take off my shoes and coat, climb the stairs and make it to the bathroom in time. So I heard that cash register "k-ching" a second time (though I was still in my first diaper).

I've lately been wearing cheap cloth-backed Equate briefs during the day rather than my usual TENA Extra pull-ups. They're about half the cost ($0.55/ea vs $1.35/ea, Cdn). My daytime voids are smallish so this works ok for me. I've had close calls with IBS-d in the pull-ups leaking in the past, so I hope that if I have other IBS-d incidents, that the briefs will be safer. I know there are better options but when it rarely happens and the cost is high, I tend to take calculated chances. I have no insurance coverage (hence the cash register "rings").
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