justej wrote:
You have way more patience than I do rob.
Well, maybe.. I just hate to have spent all this money on cloth and this washing machine only to find that handwashing often is not as practical as i htought it would be. But im not giving up. Everyhting else in my cloth routine has worked suprisingly well, even the flat diapers and the snappis. I was really nervous and unsure when trying out the snappis. I knew that pins wouldnt cut it.. but i knew if I could figure out how to fold and put on a flat diaper, I could try a snappi. It took many hours of trying folds with fleece blankets before I even worked up the courage to buy 3 flats and snappis and boingos. I must have shed at least a pound trying to get a simulated flat on. At one point I was using gorilla tape to put the blanket diaepr on. I just got so sick and tired of all the waste of disposables, and the recurring cost, and the nail in the cofffin was when I had a disposable fall apart on me and had no backups and my dad wasn't willing to bring more diapers to work for me. That was my wake up call that cloth was more desirable. So far it has panned out better than I had hoped.
Peace out!