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Humerous story of problematic diaper disposal

Tue Jul 07, 2020 3:53 pm

Well, nothing much new to report. Still have occasional accidents requring 24/7 wearing of diapers. Yesterday my mom, dad, sister, brother in law, niece, nephew and I went on a rafting excursion on a river. I was wearing a northshore supreme. At a couple points my family got out and laid on ther back and let the current float them down river. I decliened because I did not want to sit in a waterlogged diaper for the whole raft ride. But later on, as we were near the end, i figured why not, since it wouldnt be too much longer until we were done and I could get a fresh one on. So i floated down two tiems. WOW that thing was waterlogged! So much so the padding was falling down in the back. By the time I got it off, it was so puffy it would not fit in a gallon bag. Pulp was everywhere. I took all the SAP out of the diaper and put it into the bag, and then i put the shell in the bag. Oh, I was changing this in an outhouse. It would have been easier if i could have just thrown the diaper down the potty, but theres a sign that says no diapers in the toilet. Well, there was no garbage can so what the heck else was i suppsosed to do? Anyway, it was rather hilarious how waterlogged my diaper got. Yes, normally I wouldnt wear disposable but all my cloth products are ill fitting.

Re: Humerous story of problematic diaper disposal

Wed Jul 08, 2020 6:53 am

Situations that can make us smile, even ruefully, can be devastating to a newbie. Good luck and keep your success stories coming.
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