Mentally and physically?
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It would seem this problem is becoming an unhealthyobsession

Fri Oct 31, 2008 10:09 pm

Well... I have to be honest, ever since ive been diagnosed as incontinent, ive been somewhat obessed over the whole thing. Its not healthy. I can hardly focus on my homework, or find any fun in spending time doing anything except incontinence related stuff on the internet. Not that i don't enjoy reading this stuff, you guys are a help an insparation, but really, it's starting to consume my life. How can i stop it from doing that?

I have an autism spectrum disorder known as PDD-NOS. One of the classic symptoms is having a range of few intense focused interests. Mom calls these "obsessions." I've had them most of my life. But, more and more, my "obession" seems to be my medical issues, namely incontinence. It's really not healthy to obsess on whats wrong with my body.

While its good that i now know i have a problem that needs to be dealt with, its almost as if its become something to be talked about all the time.. and really, its not that pleasant. I want to focus on LIFE. Not on my incon, not on my diapers. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Sat Nov 01, 2008 9:14 am

Well... I think time may be the best solution to your issue here.

From what I understand you are still trying to cope with wearing diapers and using them more and more... stressful, certainly. As I have said elsewhere, for me the first few months of going diapered 24/7 were the worst... after that I got pretty much used to it and was able to get on with my life. I still think about my issues almost on a daily basis, but I decided long ago that I was going to do whatever was necessary to keep the problem under complete control so I could spend my time focusing on other matters.

Be patient with it my friend... as you become accustomed to your new situation you will find that things get easier... and that you can spend more time focused on life again.

Sat Nov 01, 2008 1:13 pm

I agree with Puddleguy, the first few months are the worse. The sooner that you accept your situation the sooner your stress will ease up.

Everyone that is on this board and other boards either have (or is) going through what you are going through.
So you are not alone with this problem.

Its real hard to accept the fact that
(1) we do have a problem with our bodies,
(2) that we can not control our bladders or our bowels
(3) that now we have to wear protection of some kind.
(4) that protection is a "diaper"

As adults it is hard to accept the fact that we have to wear diapers again. Growing up we are told many times that only babies wear diapers. Well we are now adults and we have to wear diapers again. Its something that is hard for us to accept. Its real stressful, undignified, depressing, humiliating, and other terms. :oops:

Wetting our pants in the middle of the store and leaving a puddle on the floor is not a fun time. Even worse is doing it in the check-out lane.
It took me a long time to go back into that store again :oops:

Once we start accepting the fact that we have to wear diapers again, that stress level drops and we can start having fun again. Diapers are just a part of us now and we can still do what we want (with a little more planning at times). Yes we do have to start planing on when and where we will need to change, and if we need to have a spare diaper with us in case we need it.

Yes we do worry that other people "may" see that we are wearing a diaper, but trust me other people dont care. They are too busy with doing what they are doing and they dont pay any attention to what we "may" be wearing under our pants.
Unless we draw attention to ourselves, other people just dont care.

At times ill be talking to someone when I start wetting my diaper, ill think to myself "if they knew what I was doing they would freak out" or if its someone that I may not like I imagine that im peeing on them and will laugh to myself. Ive even told people to "go suck my wet diaper". HEHEHE that will take the wind out of their argument real fast. :lol:

The main thing is that you are not alone with what you are going through. There has been MANY MANY people that has gone through it and are doing a lot better now that they have accepted wearing diapers again. We can either accept that we are in diapers and enjoy life again, or we can keep worrying and getting stressed out and make our problem worse by getting ulcers.

Diapers can actually help us out, we can go to a movie and watch the entire movie or go to the grocery store or any other place and not have to worry that we may have an accident and people will see us. Or we can wake up in the morning and not have to wash the bed sheets again.

Life is too short as it is. Just take it one day at a time and keep going. :)

Sat Nov 01, 2008 6:16 pm

schoppy wrote:At times ill be talking to someone when I start wetting my diaper, ill think to myself "if they knew what I was doing they would freak out" or if its someone that I may not like I imagine that im peeing on them and will laugh to myself. Ive even told people to "go suck my wet diaper". HEHEHE that will take the wind out of their argument real fast. :lol:

This part is kinda fun.. ive had that happen where i wet my diaper in the presence of others, they probably had no idea what i was doing in my pants. It would freak them out.. i just hope my diaper doesnt leak. As far as i know, no diaper i have worn has leaked in public
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