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HALLELUJAH!!! Michigan Medicaid covers Tena again!!!!!!!!!!

Wed Jun 20, 2018 6:18 pm

Yes,ladies and gents, you read that right. If you happen to live in Michigan, are on Medicaid, and have great results with Tena Ultra.. Medicaid now covers them in MI!!!!! I found this out when I called my supplier, because incedentally i was talking to a special needs mom who was possibly interested hiring me as a caregiver for her 3.5 year old.. and we have a conversation about incontinence and his supplies, and she floored me when she told me they get Tranquility Slimeline!!! I'm like what?? So naturally i called J and B, and they did offer tranquility, but needed prior autorization. So apparently, you CAN get non formulary products with an autorization! WHAT??? I was always told that this is what you get. But anyway. the nurse and I are going over the options, and I ask her what absorbencies of Tranquility are carried? She then wen through the products ive tried and rejected, and then she mentions Tena.. im like wait. TENA? as in TENA ULTRA?? She said yes, and i said, PLEASE!!!!

For those of you who are new to the board and haven't read my posts from 2008 and 2009, when I first became heavily incontinent and diaper dependent, Medicaid covered Tena Ultra, and I was extremely happy with them. Then I got cured, and didn't need them. When i started leaking again in 2014, Insurance didn't cover them. Apparently what products Medicaid will and won't cover changes with the direction of the wind, and the phases of the moon. I guess I should have paid closer attention... back in 2015 i was so fed up with medicaid that i said to Heck with it.

Peace out!

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