
How I deal with my incontinence
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Author:  ron [ Tue Apr 14, 2009 1:37 pm ]
Post subject:  how do you deal with it

I know people deal with it in different ways for me was a slow trip being older with bph wasn't a joy to revert back to a diaper thought that was for old folks but talking to others there a vast amount of ways people became incontinence now just put diaper on just like my glasses.

Author:  DDS [ Tue Apr 14, 2009 3:25 pm ]
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I agree with Ron. I don't enjoy having to wear a diaper to manage my incontinence but then I don't enjoy being incontinent. I do like the fact that wearing a diaper gives me much greater freedom and protection than not wearing a diaper. I'm an active person and diapers do allow me to remain pretty much as active as I was before the accident. Wearing a diaper has become so much of my daily routine that I seldom think about it any longer. I just do it because the alternatives just don't cut it. I'd have to either be a recluse or I'd have to deal with a collection device which can limit a person's mobility as well. I've tried other methods of managing my incontinence but none give me the freedom I get from wearing a diaper. If I had my choice I obviously would not have the need to wear protection but since I do have that need I just do it and get on with life. I don't worry too-much about people noticing that I am wearing a diaper. I'd have to guess that 99% of people don't notice or don't care if they do notice. I really don't care any longer.

Author:  Rebecca [ Sun May 03, 2009 12:02 pm ]
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i don't like, or enjoy it. but my friends are really supportive, and i haven't had much trouble with being "picked on." my neighbor did some chiropractic stuff and i can control it during the day for the most part. i still have a lot of trouble at night though. I would really recommend the back popping. it works. at least it did for me

Author:  johnstone [ Sun May 03, 2009 12:41 pm ]
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Thanks Joe. :lol: :lol:

Author:  sociologygeek [ Mon May 11, 2009 7:44 pm ]
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johnstone wrote:
I wouldn't go so far to say that I enjoy wearing diapers. I really don't care about it any more and I don't think about it that much any more either. How often do you think about wearing socks? That's about as much as I think about wearing a diaper unless I need to change. Anyone who is incontinent wears protection for need. To me, its no different than wearing other items of clothing. Do you enjoy wearing pants? How much do you think about that?

Yep, after a time, diapers just become your underwear, and you really do think of them as such, and aren'nt embarassed when docs see you wearing them.

Author:  Sandy [ Tue May 12, 2009 9:52 am ]
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Diapers for me have been something I dealt with most of my life. For me there has been times I've hated them but then there has been times I've embraced them :shock: As a young girl growing up I remember feeling strange yet comforted having to wear diapers at public events long trips shopping etc. I was blessed with parents that were very patient and understanding of me. I did go through a time in my middle teen years were I had fairly good control during the day and rarely wore a diaper during the day. But by the time my later teen years came around I was regressing back to how it use to be :( Well most of you have read my story before By the time I was a young adult I was in full time diapers and have been ever since :roll: But really the thing that has made it so much easier in the last 10 years is the Internet Before the Internet I really never felt good about myself with the diapers. I tried to make the best of it but well you know when your in your 20's and 30's and stuck in diapers at that age you feel all alone. But like many of you when the Internet came about you found there were many people just like you in the same vote. Then with the internet you find things like colored plastic pants and Rumba pants to wear over your diaper. Hey let your hair down it's fun to dress it up a little. Well OK I'm a blond so maybe it affects me differently :P Also another thing that was great about the Internet was discovering all the different diapers that were out there. For me before the internet there was Depends Attends and some store brand ones :roll: But then back in the late 80's into the late 90's Attends made a good product as compared to now.

Well my names being called All for now..................Sandy :)

Author:  ricky [ Sat Jul 25, 2009 1:17 pm ]
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I think that for the most part I've accepted that I have to wear diapers for the rest of my life. Like someone else had said, there are worse disabilities to have. Unfortunately, I have one of those as well, a bad spine, and all of the pain and surgery to go with it. Between the two, spine or diapers, I would much rather just deal with the diapers. Having spinal problems has caused me so much pain and grief, and really ruined my life more than a diaper ever could. due to my spine, I've lost my job, had to have, so far, 4 surgeries, and expecting to have another one in a few months, had to file bankruptcy because of the medical bills, I have to take tons of pills, I have to sleep (sleep, yeah, right! what's that?) in a recliner because I can't lay flat anymore, and I have to walk with a cane now, but at least I can still walk, right now anyway.
When I think about it, there are a few benefits to having a diaper on. No running to the restroom, no waiting in line for one, extra padding when I sit, it keeps my cheeks nice and warm, LOL!, and I can drive nonstop for hours on end!

And if I didn't laugh at all of this, I'd loose my mind. (I tried that once too, it wasn't any fun).


Author:  ron [ Thu Sep 17, 2009 3:37 pm ]
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Hi all yes it is hard to come to realize that diapers are just part of me now.The time frame is different with everyone as was older when mine came along was hard to go back to diapers tried to put out of my mind but with bad results accidents and so forth.

Author:  Gizmoman [ Sun Nov 08, 2009 12:13 pm ]
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I agree that humor is a great way to deal with embarassing situations. My wife is very supportive but I am still self concious. But I use humor to make light of the situation and make her laugh. My favorite is proclaiming to her that I am PamperMan Here to rid the Bed Of evil Wettness! :D

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