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how I deal with my incontinence

Thu Jun 03, 2010 8:13 pm

I spent the Memorial weekend with my sister and her husband in Northern Wisconsin. Although my sister knows I wear diapers, my brother in law does not and I prefer to keep it that way.

I often visit them during the summer on weekends. I drive up on Friday afternoon and spend a whole day and a half with them before heading for home on Sunday. Coping with a few wet diapers in that time has never been a problem as I am only there a short time. However I would be spending Friday afternoon through Tuesday afternoon with them and this worried me as that many wet diapers would surely begin to smell.

I had a brain storm of an idea and picked up a box of Zip Lock Vacuum seal bags and the hand pump. I slipped each wet diaper into the bag (gallon size) and pumped all of the air out of it at each diaper change. I was amazed at the fact that there was never any wet diaper smell coming from my luggage the whole time I was there.

Thu Jun 03, 2010 9:38 pm

You know...thats very interesting. I never thought of that. I have a family reunion in Alabama this month. And I was wondering how I was going to deal with the wet diaper smell. We are driving to AL on the 18, staying the 19th, and leaving the 20th. So there shouldn't be too many wet diapers to deal with. And I think your idea would probably work. Thanks.
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