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Cloth diaper insert positioning?

Mon Dec 17, 2018 3:14 pm

Hello All,

Quick question for all those that wear cloth diapers. I wear cloth diapers when I’m at the house to save money on disposables. I’ve always been a fan of the new generation of cloth diapers with fitted diapers and either snaps or Velcro. Last night I was wearing a fitted diaper with snaps closure. They are made more like a diaper cover that I just add inserts to provide the soaker part. I really like the feel of curity flats that I have that are 40” x20”. I’ll interweave 4-6 of them to make a 40”x10” booster and lay the down the middle against my skin, it super soft. I’ll also add an extra large pre fold toddler diaper to the front of the diaper, a size large to the back of the diaper. Then a size medium to the middle of the diaper. This adds enough bulk to get me through a heavy wetting of a night. My question is, from front to back of my diaper is only 34”, that leaves me with 6” of extra material on the curity booster that I just fold back in the front to add even more soaking material. Is it better to have the extra folded in the front or the back of the diaper?

Re: Cloth diaper insert positioning?

Tue Dec 18, 2018 11:29 am

I guess the answer depends on what you must manage. Because I must occasionally deal with liquid diarrhea in my sleep, I am always careful to place adequate absorbency both front and rear. Wherever you place maximum absorbency, if you use cloth, you will need to cover it with a plastic or rubber pant, leaving no stray bits of fabric that could wick moisture onto your clothing or bedding.
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