What type of cloth diapers have you tried?
What worked out and what hasn't?
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The Diaper Pail

Mon Nov 16, 2015 7:50 am

Guys and gals,

I now am wearing cloth at night full-time and am very pleased with the results. However, I still have some basic questions.

A three-part question:

1) what kind of container do you use as a "diaper pail" and how large is it? This may relate to your washing machine's capacity.

2) until washing, do you store your used cloth diapers wet or dry? I.e., are you adding water or other items to the pail or just tossing the soaked diapers in?

3) how frequently do you wash your diapers?


Re: The Diaper Pail

Mon Nov 16, 2015 10:42 pm


I use a plastic bucket that bird seed comes in. It comes with a nap lid and a plastic handle. I usually fill it about 1/3 full of water and add a small amount of chlorine bleach. I wash my diapers every other night. The chlorine helps with any odors. Hope this helps.....................Paul Martin

Re: The Diaper Pail

Tue Nov 17, 2015 10:51 am


I store my soiled diapers in a lidded wastebasket purchased at a big box store. It holds the same amount as my washer, so I empty it every other day or so, depending on how many disposables I use. I rinse bowel accident diapers in the toilet and spray them with a chlorine pre-wash before putting them in the wastebasket. Hope this helps.

Re: The Diaper Pail

Wed Nov 18, 2015 7:37 am

Thanks guys.

It sounds like you are washing more frequently than I had planned.

I was planning to wash diapers every 3 to 4 days. That probably would consist of 3 night diapers plus one more worn during the morning.

I rarely have bowel movements at night, so that has not been a problem. I take off my cloth diaper in the tub and let the diapers throughly rinse while I shower. Then I transfer them to the pail. So far I have not noticed any odor from the pail, but the local weather has been cool.

I still am trying to figure out whether and how to use chlorine bleach.

Paul, how much bleach are you adding? I would guess that if you are adding bleach at this point that there would be no need to add bleach to the wash?

Patrick, do you bother with the bleach if you have not had a bowel accident, or is that only for the messy ones?

Anyone else is invited to add their thoughts to this topic! :D


Re: The Diaper Pail

Wed Nov 18, 2015 8:14 am

I use very little bleach, maybe an once. If you are not getting any odors in your diaper pail, you're doing okay washing 3rd or 4th day..

Re: The Diaper Pail

Wed Nov 18, 2015 3:44 pm

John, I also rinse my diapers in the shower each morning, sometimes that is 4 (Two at night and 2 during the day.) I pretty much just use cloth diapers. After rinsing them I just put in laundry basket that only gets diapers, I wash every 4 to 5 days. If you add bleach to a diaper pail make sure you do not put your plastic pants in also. A little bleach is okay with the cloth diapers but not with the plastic pants. Papa

Re: The Diaper Pail

Wed Nov 18, 2015 5:31 pm


Even when I have not had a bowel accident, Desitin and cornstarch powder always accumulate on my diapers, making some sort of pre-wash necessary. I have never measured the Clorox dispenser in my washer; I guess it holds about 8 ozs. and I use it with every wash. Hope this answers your question.

Re: The Diaper Pail

Wed Nov 18, 2015 6:18 pm

Great information guys, thanks! :D

We just moved into a new home with a new HE washing machine and dryer. I still am trying to figure out the optimal settings for cloth diapers. At least I found a washing machine that lets me select pre-wash, additional water, and hot temperatures. :D

I'm sure I will have more questions as I continue to experiment.


Re: The Diaper Pail

Wed Nov 18, 2015 9:23 pm

When I was using cloth, I used a plastic storage tote in the garage. I would add aa 5 gallon bucket of water, and about a cup of white vinegar before the first diaper. I washed every forth day.
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