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I have turned that corner.

Fri Mar 20, 2015 8:21 am

After an appalling week of flu like symptoms with a knife stuck in me I am finally feeling nine tenths human again. I was well enough yesterday to go out for the first time. I have been this morning to have the stitches out which was a bit sore but ok.
I then went for a coffee and felt like I was re joining the human race.
The catheter is working great no blood in the bag. I am staying on the antibiotics for at least another week.
Having been used to a urethral catheter for some time I don't think I will need to adjust to the SP at all. I am using all the same stuff like valve and bag it's just that it's now a few inches higher up than it was and sticking out of my upper pubic area. They did not shave me down there which I am pleased about as I don't like to be shaved in that area. I know some people do and have read posts on this site but it's just I prefer not to.

So I am looking forward now to the next few weeks and everything settling down but if was to get ill again it would be a major blow. Thanks for all your posts of encouragement.


Re: I have turned that corner.

Fri Mar 20, 2015 9:05 am

So glad you are doing better than there Dave. This looks like it may be the answer you're looking for.
I was wondering something though. What if any restrictions is there to the SP? For example, can you take a bath. Or can you go in a swimming pool?

Re: I have turned that corner.

Fri Mar 20, 2015 10:42 am

No restrictions you can do both of those things. You just have to keep the area clean and drink plenty. I have about 12 drinks a day of various things including Tea Coffee and water based orange juce that you dilute. I don't drink alcohol I never have but I think that would be ok. The aim is to try and produce light coloured wee as much as possible and to flush bacteria out before they can take hold. The catheter will need changing every 10 weeks just the same as a urethral one.


Re: I have turned that corner.

Fri Mar 20, 2015 1:42 pm

I'm very happy that you are on the mend.


Re: I have turned that corner.

Fri Mar 20, 2015 3:55 pm

Good stuff Dave! My district nurse mentioned a suprapubic to me today during catheter change. I find the changes horrible. Bed/housebound at mo so can't but am interested in finding out whether suprapubic catheters would feel less traumatic. I think it might mentally for me but don't know about the pain. Still, youre not at that point yet but please do keep updatinf if you can, although hopefully this new catheter will give you less drama!
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