Diapers, pads, or other types of protection?

Daytime and nighttime protection.
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What Works for Me

Wed Aug 13, 2008 8:02 pm

I've dealt with varying degrees of urinary incontinence since early childhood and have tried just about everything out there. I have to agree with many that cloth probably is the most comfortable, but with my lifestyle simply wasn't viable. Dealing with wet cloth out in public and at home, as well as the extensive washing and drying issues have led me to settle on high-end disposables.

I'm sold on the Abena X-Plus with a booster pad inside. I remember the sorry days with the original Depends and Attends, with no SAP and not enough cellulose fluff, which would lead to some leakage almost every time I used the diaper. It's an incredible relief to really not have to worry about leaks anymore. I also wear the pull-on ACD "leakmaster" plastic pants over the diapers for extra protection and some concealment. I never have major leaks with the Abena diapers, but sometimes there is some moisture that seeps through micro-pores in the plastic (from the manufacturing process I've heard).

Even with the bulk of a premium diaper and the plastic pants I am still able to wear pretty much what I want to. While I am sensitive to the bulk and can see that I have diapers on, I don't believe that others notice. I have asked family members and friends who are aware of my incontinence if the diaper is noticable, and none can tell that I'm diapered. I am very discrete, and I'm sure that helps.

Tue Aug 26, 2008 7:17 am

I am still experimenting with various disposables. I dare not try any cloth as of yet. :oops: Wife is still struggling the fact that I have to use diapers. She off and on makes comments about the urine smell in the morning, so I would hate to have to wash and rinse out cloth, then wash every day. She would go crazy that we are using too much water now and will complain she could still smell them.

A couple of months ago when the Dr. tried some meds that shut my bladder down, they put me in a Foley catheter with a leg bag. Hard to believe but the week I had to wear it, I actually got more sleep. I think this is because my bladder didn't have time to go crazy and wake me since it was being drained all the time. :!: I know all the risk about infections because since that time, I have been having to self catheter at different times of the day to make sure I drain. Even with this, I still have wetting accidents so I have cut back on how often I do cath. I am almost to the point of asking the Urologist to prescribe a Foley for night use.

As some of you know form some of my other post, I am at my last straw with Dr.s :x and not having a wife that is willing to fully understand it all but just has the attitude, due what you have to but I don't want to know anything about it, doesn't help me work on my problem with close support.


Wed Aug 27, 2008 2:26 pm

Hey Kent,
When I wore disposable diapers at night, my wife would comment on the urine smell in the morning too. After I switched to cloth and plastic pants, the odor was not present.
Now as I wash my diapers, I do every day, since the amonia smell will really be bad. I some times throw in a very small amount of bleach in my diaper pail, and that'll knock it out every time.

Wed Aug 27, 2008 7:33 pm

Paul, Just wear your cloth diaper into the shower in the morning and lay it (them) on the floor of the shower after you remove them. The water, soap and shampoo will rinse them very well as you wash up. Ring them out and they can go into the laundry basket for days if need be. Papa

Best Protection for Me

Wed Sep 03, 2008 12:23 am

I am fortunate I suppose, in that I don't wet heavily at night. My diapers are wet in the morning, but not enough to cause any odor. I am also careful to keep myself properly hydrated, which keeps the urine concentration low. There is some urine odor when I remove my diaper, but I believe that it is contained while the diaper is fastened and I have plastic pants on.

I am grateful for my supportive wife. She is extremely accomodating of my incontinence and diapers. Her easy-going nature notwithstanding, she has had some of her own issues with urge incontinence off and on as a result of what the physicians believe to be hormonal changes brought on by the early stages of menopause. Whatever the cause, it has made her more understanding of my daily issues.

Wed Sep 10, 2008 7:38 pm

I do agree that keeping hydrated does help keep the smell down, part of the problem I have is constinant UTI's from having to cath in order to empty all the way.

I think, I have found a good disposible that will help. Plus my wife is now starting to talk with me about this and is giving more support. We have even gone out and gotten a diaper pail so to help cut down on smells in the trash.

I will be ordering my new diapers tomorrow and hope to have them with in a week so I can finally get solid sleep with out worry of leaks. I am getting the Dry 24/7 diapers. I bought the two samples and was very pleased at how the fit me, how much they held, and how they help up through out the day for me. Not real keen on the purple color but since I wear an abonial brace all the time, it helps hide my diaper if my shirt ever raises up.

Thu Sep 11, 2008 7:44 am

Glad to hear that your wife is starting to offer some support to you. That's a big plus for you emotionally.
Sounds like you found a better diaper to use. One thing I do with my soiled disposables when I change is to drop them in a disposable diaper bag. I find the at Wal*Mart of K-Mart. They are blue and are scented. They are about $1.99 for a bag of 50. They keep the odor away for that day until you take your trash out.
Good luck with the new diaper. .........Paul Martin

Thu Sep 11, 2008 8:06 pm

Thanks, it has been a little easier now she is a little more supportive. In fact, today is her birthday and I took her out for dinner, while at dinner she reminded me that I need to place my order as soon as we got home.

As for the diaper bags, I have been buying them at one of the Deal's or Everything is a Dollor store, 100 for $1. They have a small scent but I have found that if I double bag it helps. Having a diaper pail just for the diapers has helped a lot too.

Now I can't wait till my order comes in so I can get good sleep and not have to worry about having to change in the middle of the night.

Thanks for being there for us all
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