Diapers, pads, or other types of protection?

Daytime and nighttime protection.
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Absorbtion of diapers unneeded but diaper most comfortable

Sun Nov 30, 2014 10:34 pm

Hi all,
Have any of you chosen a product that's more absorbent than what you need because it is more comfortable? I've tried the Prevail guards (not northshore brand like I thought) and the Depends guards. The Depends guards is stiff and fat between the legs. The Prevail guards are much softer and more comfortable. However I find that the Prevail guards get itchy over time, even if not excessively wet. As for absorbent underwear (i.e. pullups), there's something I find unappealing about the fat waistband of these products. Maybe the product looks too feminine? I don't know.
I only dribble (after urinating and occasionally other times) and I don't need a diaper's absorbent capability. However I find a diaper (so far focusing on Northshore brand) the most comfortable of products I've tried. I don't like the fact that the diaper is most comfortable but it is what it is.
Similar experience anyone?

Re: Absorbtion of diapers unneeded but diaper most comfortab

Mon Dec 01, 2014 12:33 am

I just got the Abena men's guards last week, much better then the Depends by a mile, wider at the top, they have the leak guards built in, and everything stays in a "pocket". Will be using them for daytime when I need something for short time out trips. :D They are rated for 700 ml, so hold a good amount, but for lighter issues, they have a less absorption one too. Better more then less when dealing with this problem! :shock: Puffy

Re: Absorbtion of diapers unneeded but diaper most comfortab

Mon Dec 01, 2014 6:55 am

I am a very small man who still wears a boys size underwear. The Prevail and Depends brand of guards are only 5 inches wide and so fit nicely in my small underwear. The Abena brand (and others too) are 7 inches wide and I thought they might nit fit so easily or comfortably. Also I don't know why but the Prevail guard I wore yesterday allowed leaking into my underwear. The guard was saturated only in one part so it apparently didn't wick into the rest of the pad?

Re: Absorbtion of diapers unneeded but diaper most comfortab

Mon Dec 01, 2014 12:22 pm

What size of boy's underwear do you wear?
There may be some places that sell guards for boy's sizes.

Also, you may want to think of GoodNites underwear.
They are very good, discrete, and pretty absorbent, too.
Their prices are not too bad, and may compare decently with the cost per unit of a guard.

Re: Absorbtion of diapers unneeded but diaper most comfortab

Mon Dec 01, 2014 2:25 pm

I've never seen guards for boys sizes but I truly haven't looked hard. I'll look further. I've avoided Goodnites because of the designs. I'm young at heart but not that young. I've tried boys size pullups that were all white and supposedly would fit up to 125lb (I'm 117lb) but the product split apart after less than 2 hours of gentle to moderate wear (no hard activities).

The cost of things is definitely on my mind. It appears that a prevail guard may not always last a whole day. The cost of 2 prevail guards is more expensive than a Tranquility or Attends brief. Assuming the tapes hold out I should be good with 1 brief per day (I don't wear at night).

A brief has way more absorbtion than I need. But briefs seem more comfortable than other products and might be just as cost effective.

Re: Absorbtion of diapers unneeded but diaper most comfortab

Mon Dec 08, 2014 3:42 pm

I have the exact problem you are describing, Gtrudeau, my incontinence is on the lighter side, I can get away with a pull-up and pad at work as I don't want to wear diapers to work. When I am home I prefer the security that a regular diaper provides. For a good pad, try the Tena for men. They are great. I also like the Tena pullup for men better than the Depend stuff.

Re: Absorbtion of diapers unneeded but diaper most comfortab

Thu Dec 11, 2014 2:13 am

I guess different stokes for different folks. I know many people in this forum do not like Depend products, but for me the real fits suit my needs. I tried Attends and Tena samples and did not like either one for one reason or another. The Northern Shore sample was very absorbent but it was way too thick and did not like it for that reason.

Re: Absorbtion of diapers unneeded but diaper most comfortab

Sat Dec 20, 2014 8:00 pm

Just thought id give my input..
I have tried EVERY product design known to man.. guards, belted shields, pullups, briefs.. the only absorbent product type I have NOT tried is the shaped pads with the mesh pants... and that probably is due to lack of ready availibility.. I mean, you don't find them in most pharmacies these days.. you find the aformentioned styles of products. When i first had leakage.. it was light dribbles.. so i wore the guards..but over time found them to not be effective.. they would not stick to the underwear.. and my equipment sometimes would end up behind the pad.. it would bunch up..which needless to say, leaves me quite unprotected. so, i then tried the undergarments.. which were fine for a while.. until i started leaking more than a little.. and then.. the straps started twisting and bunching up and cutting into my skin.. again.. NOT comfortable.. So, i went with pullups.. and those also were good for a while.. until agian, i noticed issues with the design.. the waisband for one rose higher than a diaper type product did.. and the crotch was too narrow to provide adequate padding coverage. Now, the aformentioned comfort issues were more or less tolearble.. but the one fact that i could not escape is that NONE of the products i just talked about provide adequate proteciton when it comes to the male anatomy. Males have a variable exit point, since the male member moves around, and can be pointed up or down.. and even when pointed down...it doesnt stay down,... therefore..the only product that protects men in ALL situations, REGARDLESS of level or type of incontinence is a full tape-on brief aka adult diaper. I have come to this conclusion after much trial and error.. thus, briefs are the only type of product i use, even on the light days. There are products that are lighter that don't give off a lot of bulk. Gtrudeau, i would encurage you to try attends with waistband, or attends breathable.. or tena ultra. These products are ideal for moderate levels of incontience.. with the latter two being good for moderate to heavy incontinence... which is the catergory i find that I most indentify with.

In short, it really doesn't matter what style of product you use, even if it may not necessarily be desiged for your level of incontinence. What really matters is your comfort and preference. That's really the bottom line..theres no "incontinence fashion police" or "bladder police" that will pull you over and say.. "hey youre wearing a brief , but you should really be wearing this or that.." What you use is entirely up to YOU.

Peace out!


Re: Absorbtion of diapers unneeded but diaper most comfortab

Mon Dec 22, 2014 12:27 am

Thanks all. I've got a case of Attends and those are good for general comfort, absorbancy and tape quality but I do sweat in them, even with baby powder. I sweat very little in Northshore briefs (I have a few left) but they are much more thick/absorbent than I need. I tried my first Tena guard and I'm very happy with it but today was a light day for wetting. yesterday was heavier wetting and I wonder how wet the guard would have felt. I'll probably order more Tena guards but I do have a lot of Attends to burn through. I may keep multiple products around to wear based on the day's output.

I have started meds for my enlarged prostate. Finasteride is slow acting and I won't see much change before 6 months. The other is Terazosin which is fast acting but I'm hesitant to try it due to the possible side effects. I'm usually nervous about doctors and meds in general.

Re: Absorbtion of diapers unneeded but diaper most comfortab

Mon Dec 22, 2014 6:40 am

That's a rather interesting approach, switching between different product types.. i personally could not do that, since i know how much fluid i can put out at any one time, and i know that the change in a light day to a heavy day can be totally random and I cannot predict when and where that will happen... I definetly hear you on the sweat issue..thats the major downside to wearing briefs 24/7.. i find various creative ways to air out...

I guess what I'm trying to say is the bottom line is you need to wear in any situation what protects the best...and as far as protection under dress clothes.. I also hear you there.. what I have found is that if you wear your pants a size up.. dress pants included.. then no one is the wiser as to what you have on. In my personal situaton, i classify myself as having moderate to heavy incontinence, thus i need a brief... and most days I get along just fine with attends breathable.. but, there are situations like at work where i prefer to wear a heavier product, such as Abena X-Plus, ConfiDry, or Gary's A+ level 4. Strictly speaking, these products are meant for total loss of bladder control.. which I do not have thankfully, but.. it does mean that if i put it on and leave it on, i can have a much more productive work shift letting my diaper do its thing and absorb rather than dropping everyhting im doing to go pee in the toilet when i feel an episode coming on.. So, I suppose in a sense im doing the same thing you are.. and its up to you do to do what makes you feel the most comfortable.. I guess you could also say i dont strictly need a brief for absorbency, since sometimes i jsut dribble or spurt..and those can be easily contained by a lesser product.. but i just feel more SECURE in a brief... If youre not feeling secure in a guard in all situations when you use it, it might be time to consider a heavier product.. your peace of mind is just as important as whether your pants actually remain dry.. just a thought

Peace out!

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