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Sudden Post Prostatectomy Continence

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2021 9:01 am
by Padded53
I am now now 4 1/2 months post robotic prostatectomy, I spent 10 rough days in the hospital, and 11 weeks with a Foley catheter. After the catheter removal I have done Kegels only somewhat sporadically. Since then I have been 100% incontinent with a constant drip-drip-drip and occasional squirt when getting up from a chair or coughing. However just this Thanksgiving day I got something to be really thankful for, what I would deem as 70+% continence with only minimal dripping. I have never heard of it seemingly improving so much virtually over night but I'm not complaining. In fact it has even gotten better, maybe to the 80+% level since then. Plus my stream is better than it has been in the last 6 or 7 years. Pre-surgery I actually joked with my Urologist that the Prostatectomy might "cure" my BPH driven incontinence and to my surprise he said it was possible, looks like he might be right. My next Urologist appointment coming up in a few weeks should be interesting. i would be interested to know if anyone else has had this happen to them after their prostatectomy.