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Re: New to having to wear 24/7

Wed Feb 25, 2015 6:11 am

I have tried medication, which did result in the known side effects, though not all of them, but it was indeed unpleasant, so I ended up ditching the medication. Also due to the fact, that the medication only decreased the number of episodes, not totally eliminating them.

I totally rejected botox or other invasive procedures, as I only suffer from incontinence, and still have an active healthy life with my wife, so I wouldn't let them do anything in that area......which could compromise my "libido"

Re: New to having to wear 24/7

Fri May 29, 2015 1:44 pm

I won't risk any kind of surgery or botox etc either. I tried vesicare which almost ruined my eyesight so I just rely on protection now. I wear Tena Extra pads during the day and Maxi's at night.
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