Paraphilic infantilism, also known as autonepiophilia and adult baby syndrome is a sexual fetish that involves role-playing a regression to an infant-like state. Behaviors may include drinking from a bottle or wearing diapers.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paraphilic_infantilismit would be nice if this could be one place about incontinence on the Net were this subject would not come up except in the context of supplies
one of the main reasons I do not participate here is that this damn subject keeps coming up here.[/quote]
This has already been proven and accepted to be an outdated view with little understanding into the compulsion- just like calling it pedophilia was a decade ago. I could get into citing and proofing but that amount of discussion would not be appropriate here. The only reason why it persists is because most any normal person just doesn't understand it, and it takes time for that misunderstanding in people to be corrected.
This is actually a moot point for this discussion though. All anyone really needs to understand here is that this (whatever anyone may think it is), is an integral part of who we are and is not something we have chosen for our selves. Hating an entire group of people simply because of who we are makes people no better than someone who hates gay or transgendered people- and usually for the same wrong reasons of not understanding.
Schoppy asked how to make more people feel welcome here. And my answer is stop hating this entire group because of misunderstanding or no wanting to understand what we have to live with. Nobody here has to follow this though, it's simply just my recommendation.