
Support for dealing with incontinence
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 Post subject: Re: Open for any ideas
PostPosted: Wed Oct 26, 2016 8:59 am 

Joined: Sat Mar 29, 2014 11:45 am
Posts: 1870
Schoppy's concern is commendable. However, we live in a society that is changing rapidly, on many levels, issues, politics, behaviors, and technology. There is no way we can stop this fluidity, and, indeed, our efforts to ameliorate the stigmas surrounding incontinence contribute to it. Our fondness for the good old days may be real, but it can never be satisfied. Institutions are born, flourish for a time, then decay and are replaced by other institutions. I look forward to the time when this site will join the procession, not because I am angry or harbor any ill will towards anyone here; rather, when the stigmas governing urinary and fecal incontinence will have at long last been overcome, when handicapped restrooms will have become common and are kept clean everywhere, when high quality adult diapers are readily available at every big box store, there will no longer be a need for our community. Until then, our efforts to serve the real, unmet needs of incontinents should be our reason for being, which makes me glad to be here, thankful to Schoppy, and grateful to all the friends I have made here.

 Post subject: Re: Open for any ideas
PostPosted: Wed Oct 26, 2016 12:01 pm 

Joined: Wed Aug 19, 2015 11:49 am
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Location: Jacksonville Fl
Paraphilic infantilism, also known as autonepiophilia and adult baby syndrome is a sexual fetish that involves role-playing a regression to an infant-like state. Behaviors may include drinking from a bottle or wearing diapers.
it would be nice if this could be one place about incontinence on the Net were this subject would not come up except in the context of supplies
one of the main reasons I do not participate here is that this damn subject keeps coming up here.[/quote]

This has already been proven and accepted to be an outdated view with little understanding into the compulsion- just like calling it pedophilia was a decade ago. I could get into citing and proofing but that amount of discussion would not be appropriate here. The only reason why it persists is because most any normal person just doesn't understand it, and it takes time for that misunderstanding in people to be corrected.

This is actually a moot point for this discussion though. All anyone really needs to understand here is that this (whatever anyone may think it is), is an integral part of who we are and is not something we have chosen for our selves. Hating an entire group of people simply because of who we are makes people no better than someone who hates gay or transgendered people- and usually for the same wrong reasons of not understanding.

Schoppy asked how to make more people feel welcome here. And my answer is stop hating this entire group because of misunderstanding or no wanting to understand what we have to live with. Nobody here has to follow this though, it's simply just my recommendation.

 Post subject: Re: Open for any ideas
PostPosted: Thu Oct 27, 2016 12:21 am 
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I have no problem with the ABDL community or anyone with it.
With that being said, I started this site and forum with the sole purpose of trying to help out other fellow incontinent people, not as an ABDL website.
There are MANY different types of ABDL websites out there if anyone wants to look at them, but this is not one of them.

If someone wants to post about a product that is available out there I have no problem with it., as long as its incon related, IE: onesies, diapers or plastic pants NOT types of pacifiers or other baby related items.
If a person wants to use those other products, well what you do in private at home is your business. But NOT on this website.

This site will remain dedicated to the incontinence community.

As far as being able to PM someone, I dont care.
If someone receives a PM that you dont like, you can either delete it, send it to me, and/or tell the sender not to send it again.
We are all adults here and I do believe we can all play nice.

Yes I know that some abdl's are really incontinent and some incontinent people are also abdl. I have no problem with that.
But like I said, this site will remain dedicated to people that are incontinent.


 Post subject: Re: Open for any ideas
PostPosted: Thu Oct 27, 2016 1:03 am 

Joined: Thu Mar 12, 2015 10:24 pm
Posts: 118
Thank you, Schoppy.

 Post subject: Re: Open for any ideas
PostPosted: Thu Oct 27, 2016 11:56 am 

Joined: Wed Aug 19, 2015 11:49 am
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Location: Jacksonville Fl
Yeah Schoppy. Thanks for the official clarifications. I agree 100%, if ABDL related stuff overlaps or comes up as a valid reply to an incontinence related issue (on forums or pm) then we should not be reprimanded for it. Of course, I also agree this is not the site to just bring it up on its own.


 Post subject: Re: Open for any ideas
PostPosted: Thu Oct 27, 2016 3:26 pm 

Joined: Sun Oct 20, 2013 3:45 pm
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Well said. :D


 Post subject: Re: Open for any ideas
PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 4:31 pm 
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Shoppy, without naming individuals, can you tell us what their issues were?

Frankly, I don't see much Ab/Dl discussion here aside from people complaining about how much they don't like it. I agree that this space should stay fetish free, but I don't think we actually have a problem with that.

 Post subject: Re: Open for any ideas
PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 5:44 pm 

Joined: Wed Aug 19, 2015 11:49 am
Posts: 890
Location: Jacksonville Fl
I can. It was while directly replying to a moderator regarding some abdl related content that came up in a thread a while back. Instead of putting it on the open forums I PM'd him (specifically so I could keep the forums here clear of that detailed content). I was then threatened to be banned from hthis site because I PM'd him without first getting permission, and also for sending him abdl related content (again as a direct reply to him). That moderator also told me if I had ever again even typed out "abdl" to him or on the open forums that I would be banned without any recourse. That moderator is no long here either.

 Post subject: Re: Open for any ideas
PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 7:28 pm 
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Completely agree Schoppy. We are all adults here and should act like it. Although, I never knew what the abbreviation of AB/DL was until I become incontinent and begin looking for advice. As long as it is kept professional and on an advice bases I don't have a problem with that life style. It's their body and their wishes.

On to the subject at hand. Maybe kick around the idea of inviting vendors here so we can discuss their pluses and minus of their products and why we feel the way we do. Depends has done a great job at getting the word out about IC, but feel there is more awareness that needs to happen.

Something else I feel is when a thread gets on the verge of being combative, then it is time to shut it down or just delete it and warn the offenders about the board is to help others not get into arguments about what is allowed on here and what isn't. That is up the the moderators and ultimately up to Schoppy as this is his site he built and provides free of charge to us for sharing of ideas and issues.

I know had it not been for this site and the support of others, I would still be stuck with substandard products and not knowing about other items out on the market that may work for me. Plus, this site quickly got me out of the shock of having to wear diapers as I quickly learned I am not alone and it is very difficult for someone to tell you are wearing unless you tell them. If you look at my earlier post I could not even use the word diaper I used protection. Plus, how to handle certain situation such as flying, disposal, changing at work, etc.... Now I am starting to ramble.

 Post subject: Re: Open for any ideas
PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 8:51 pm 

Joined: Wed Aug 19, 2015 11:49 am
Posts: 890
Location: Jacksonville Fl
batman381327 wrote:
...to the subject at hand. Maybe kick around the idea of inviting vendors here so we can discuss their pluses and minus of their products and why we feel the way we do. Depends has done a great job at getting the word out about IC, but feel there is more awareness that needs to happen.....

Gee batman, that's an idea absorbent for us all!

I really like that idea. Maybe a whole new category for manufacturers, sub forums dedicated to each one, and individual threads related to each of their products and/or problems. With each new thread, an automatic invite goes out to that manufacturer's rep in hopes we can get their input while they also get our direct feedback in near real-time.

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